
Membership is open to any person holding a recognised qualification in either Hypnotherapy, NLP or Psychotherapy. To view membership benefits...
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Code of Ethics

What would you expect from an Association's code of ethics?
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Covid 19 virus - Practitioners Information

NRAH Therapists page for guidence during Covid 19. PAGE LINK


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Our purpose is to help you find an Advanced Hypnotherapist in your area, and to give you as much information about Hypnosis as possible to help you make an informed decision when choosing your therapist.

NOTICE to all members

The New Data Protection Act 2018.
This information is offered as a general guide and not meant to be a substitute for legal advice.

The new act came into force on the 25th May 2018. On the face of it the act is set to protect an individual’s right to how any personal information is stored and used by organisations.

Even though you have a legitimate interest in holding a client’s information you can no longer just assume that your client gives consent for you to keep their details on file.

As a therapist you should already be entering into a treatment plan/contract with your clients; this plan should include the client’s permission to store their data on paper/electronically. You should also guarantee that the stored data will not be given or shared with a third party unless legally required to do so.

In the past legal advice has been that you should store this information for 7 years. Attached are the guidance notes covering the new act.

For more information please visit:

If you are unsure about your own practice, it is recommended that you seek appropriate legal advice.











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